Hello out there!
I am starting a new challenge called the Officially Wacky Boolprop Challenge.
If you are reading this then you are most likely familiar with the challenge so I will spare you all the details. If by chance you are not aware of this challenge then click the link above for a description.
This is the founder Makenna Rowbottom and her dog Nika.
Aspiration - Big Happy Family
Traits - Outgoing, Unflirty, Cat Lover
The 3 bonuses I picked are as follows:
City Living (9 points total) -all of these begin with the first generation-
- Have at least one sim per generation attend AND participate in each festival at least once. They must engage in the activities offered and be there for most of the festival.
- One sim per generation must visit each food truck and eat all recipes. They must earn the hidden traits of Spice Hound and Chopstick Saavy. This sim would be exempt from the Grilled Cheese bonus challenge (if you are doing both) only when eating from a food truck.
- One sim per generation must max singing and win a Karaoke contest.
Create a dog with your founder, and each heir must have their own pet as a companion (either by breeding the original pet or by adopting a new pet), and do the following:
- Teach all commands (only dogs can be trained - cats can be owned, but only dogs count for the bonus)
- Train out all behaviors.
- Run a vet clinic (the vet clinic must be established by the founder and owned through the entire challenge).
Jungle Adventures (9 points total)
- Founder/ALL heirs must go to Selvadorado to find their spouse...they must be a local. No going to Selvadorado and coming back with a townie who also happened to be on vacation!
- By end of challenge, one of the Ancient artifact collections need to be complete.
- Founder/heir must build a relic and use it on someone outside the family.
I also picked 4 Mini Challenges -eek-
- BoolProp Naming Scheme
- Family Scrapbook
- On Ley, Not the Lonely
- Collector
I hope you all enjoy coming along with me on this new little adventure. We shall see how it goes! I am terrible at starting with no money and such. I like my sims to start out in nice big beautiful homes and then be broke, lol, so yeah it's already a challenge for me.
Thanks for checking it out!
I can't wait to see this :)