Sunday, August 19, 2018

Rowbottom P9

Olavo is working on his imagination skill.

Bram needed daddy to spray for monsters because they woke him up.
It's time to get up any way but Vincente still sprayed his bed.

Makenna is teaching Nika to play dead.

I think she's got it.

Spice Festival time.

Makenna entered the Curry challenge.

She won but still doesn't have to Spice Hound trait.
While there she also ate Curry from the vendor and then Banhmi (Banh Mi).

Bram made a snow pal.

The house is a disaster again!
Makenna is cleaning it up so she can cook a birthday cake.

Happy Birthday Olavo!

He aged up with the creative trait.

Makenna and Vincente went to the Flea Market.
They didn't buy anything but did try Pork Adobo.
Makenna liked it but I don't think Vincente cared for it.

Makenna worked on her singing skill before heading home.

Happy Birthday Makenna!

Vincente loves her so much that he wants another baby.
Sorry pal, the house is full.

The last trick Nika needs to learn is speak.
She has now been taught all the tricks!
Great job Nika.

Playtime with daddy.

I had to get a closeup of her right here because she just looks stunning to me.

Sansa has aged up and that black dog is not her father.
Nika how many dogs did you woohoo with when I wasn't looking!

GeekCon once more and Makenna entered the contest.
Her skill isn't very high and she scores a 15 out of 100.

She also took a few pics with Cos Players.

Omg ... I don't think anyone else entered the contest because she won with that pitiful score.

Thanks for reading!

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