Sunday, November 24, 2019

BoolProp Roulette Intro

Boolprop is 14!

I feel blessed to be a part of this special little community! 
I know I don't get on there very often at the moment but you all are always with me! 

This is my attempt at the Genetic Roulette Challenge
Gist of the challenge:
You are from a very colorful family - the last three generations bringing in a new and different color to your family genetics - your history. Your sim could have been born with any one of the four colors from your family line, but no, by some quirk of nature they were born completely white!! However, that doesn't end your family line, it carries on! White makes five colors in your family genes and your sims spouse brings in a 6th different color.
  • Your couple must have 14 children and raise them to young adult.
  • Name your children using a theme or same letter.
  • The parents both have to aim to achieve their Lifetime wish or Aspiration.

Let's meet the different generations!


Blonde (yellow)

Brown & Black

White & Red

The founder generation is Levin and Linda.
They love the letter L and will be making 14 babies who's name will start with that letter.

Their traits and Levin's job have been randomly rolled.

Levin Boolprop
Military | Bodybuilder
Active | Erratic | Romantic

Linda Boolprop
Stay at Home Mom | Super Parent 
Family Oriented | Snob | Foodie

Being in the military it makes sense that Levin would want to move to Strangerville.
This is the hub for alien activity and his best chance to rank up quickly.

Next up is move in and a little killing ... 

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