Saturday, November 2, 2019

Bond Asylum ~ The End

The asylum is clean once more .... let's check in.

Why didn't I think of this table before.
The days of fire killing everyone is over and they will eat good food!

It also comes in handy with a tot in the house :)

Jay loves to show his new friends pics of his daughter.

It's prank day and Jay doesn't look impressed.

So she dumped it on the floor .... rude!

Someone is feeling very flirty .... but it was interrupted by -

- this little cutie right here!
She wanted some play time with daddy.

Jay finally got in the spirit of prank day.
He made three more friends that day.
Only 5 to go!

Perla ...

you are ...

the cutest thing ...


Awe ... the feels!

Rawr ... Tamara is ready for some Jay time too

LOL, and this again

Oh my gosh .... his belly is glowing!

I would follow Perla around all day

Nom, nom, nom

Guess what Jay ... we are having another baby!

He doesn't seem too thrilled by the idea.

Or maybe it's the hormones ... idk
He is all over her now.

It's been awhile since someone has been eaten. 
Jay keeps the cowplant pretty well feed usually so this won't happen anymore.
Once snuck by us though.

Look at that belly.

Jay needs a best friend and who better then Tamara.

Trimester 1 for both and Jay's belly is much bigger.
Please not twins!

Jay invited more people over to befriend.

Hmm, Katarina and Jay?

It's definitely the hormones I tell you lol
It could be the flirty vibe I gave the club lol

Perla is finishing up her thinking skill.

I do not want 3 toddlers in the asylum.
Two will be plenty!

Neither prego made it bed in time.

Baby time

It's a girl!

Uncle Cash is wrapped around her little finger already.

Meet Nylah

It's almost over Jay!
Baby time for him too

He also had a little girl.

Meet Talia

She is beautiful!
She also aged up with those markings and I liked them a lot so I didn't change her.

Perla has had her birthday!
She is still a cutie :)

Toddler corner

Jay is in the home stretch of friend making.

He went for a walk around the neighborhood to make a few more.

and with this guy, Jay has made 20 friends.


Now all Jay has to do is finish leveling up his charisma.

GeekCon is in town.

Tamra loved the big TV

Jay got some pics with the cosplayers.

Almost there!

Imagination station is ready for take off.

These two kept the toddlers well entertained at the park.

Perla spent time with her mama in the pool.

Cash is really taken with these two tots.
He gives them a lot of attention.

I think he finally got the attention of the people in the sky too!
This is his first abduction and I was shocked.

He was not happy about it at all.
Don't look at me ... I didn't do it!

Poor Cash is not handling the abduction well. 
He is in full breakdown mode now.

YES ....YES....YES!

Finally done!
Jay has become one with nature, gotten in touch with his creative side, and is now socially stable again! Jay is ready to take on the world with his family!

To celebrate they went to the beach.

Mainly I just wanted to see these two cuties in this beautiful lighting.

They are so talented!

Jay - it was a wild ride! There was a lot of death and destruction during your time in the asylum but I think in the end it was all worth it because now you have a beautiful family to live out the rest of your days with in peace, no longer cursed!

I am not going to tally up the points because they do not matter to me :)

Thank you for coming along on this crazy adventure!

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