Tuesday, November 26, 2019

BoolProp Roulette P1

I forgot to take pictures of the house because ... well because I was having to much fun killing all the other generations at one time ... insert evil laugh!

They have a nice little plot now on the back of the lot. It's fenced off in the hopes that Levin and Linda will not go over to the graves and cry every five minutes.

As for no house pics, well, I figure you will see it in the background of the pics.

Levin has been aged up and these two were fast tracked to love and marriage. 
I am so happy that Levin is looking at Linda in that loving way.
I felt bad that he didn't technically choose her as his bride.

I like to have them find their own love!

First thing they did was go to the gym.
Well it's not the first thing they did but it is the first place they visited.

 Levin has the bodybuilder aspiration and needs to workout at the gym.

I am mostly skipping the woohoo pics.
We all know babies is the point of this challenge.

Merry Winterfest ... we are pregnant!

Levin got the best present ever.

Tree time

Grand meal ... I really need to change around the table lol

Mistletoe kisses

and an awesome gift!

Of what ... I don't remember

This is great, great grandma and she is breaking everything!

Good thing great, great grandpa also came out tonight to fix things.

Levin is off to his first day of work.

Linda is going to help out money wise with painting.

How could she not be inspired when that is the view from their front porch.

Nap time because as I always say ... baby making is hard!

Baby time!

They had a little girl they named Larissa. 

She has moms red hair and dads white eyes for a total of 5 points.
Or is it points for hair color and points for eye color making it 10 points?
I'll have to find out.

Thanks for stopping by!
P2 coming soon ...


  1. it is 5 points for the hair and 5 points for the eyes = 10 points. :)
    and Larissa is well cute!!
