Monday, January 30, 2017

W&S Betty P1

I am going to continue this on with Betty. She will have a normal lifespan which I will change once she becomes a young adult. 

Salim came over to offer his condolences after Bernard passed. 

While he was putting some books away in Betty's old room he died too!

Betty can't believe that someone else died in their house the day after her dad. 

Betty put on a puppet show to try and help cheer up her mom. 

Bernard had wanted Betty to be musical so she started practicing on the violin. 

Eugenia was writing a book about Bernard called, The Life and Love of Bernard. It made her very sad while she was writing. When she finished the book though it became a bestseller. 

Anya called up Betty and invited her over to try and help cheer her up. We also get to see that she had twins. 

I half expected Anya to die while we were there but no instead Betty aged up! I didn't even realize it was her birthday already. 

Betty was not happy with her mother forgetting her birthday. 

The next morning Eugenia was making Betty pancakes to say sorry and she caught herself on fire. Bernard was the cook in the family. 

Thankfully Betty was feeling confident because she ran in there and put the fire out. 

Yeah I would need a drink to Betty

Eugenia's time is almost up so I figured we needed to get a pic of mother and daughter before she passes or kills herself in the kitchen. 

Betty went to the city to meet some new people. 
While she was there she admired the ground mural. 

Playing around with some girl she met. 

Beautiful selfie Betty

This is where I will leave you for now. 
I hope you all enjoyed. 

1 comment:

  1. Betty is pretty!!
    I'm glad Eugenia didn't kill herself in the kitchen!!
