Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Rowbottom P19

It's almost time for baby and Vincente is getting more and more excited.

He went out to give the bees a mite treatment and they were not appreciative.

Baby time!

So MCCC told me she was having triplets and that is what I prepared the house for.
Turns out she only had one baby boy though.

This is Laith

Makenna finally got to meet one of her grandchildren.
I have been terrible at having Bram and Olavo's kids visit.

Bella is needing some special attention.

One more level to go!

This little cutie is clingy don't let that face fool you.

Humor and Hijinks festival time.
Octavia joins the pranksters.

Octavia is eating Pho.

and with that meal she earned the chopstick savvy trait

The pranksters won by 4 and she is watching the fireworks.

Makenna really needs that last vet skill.
One more day at the clinic will help.

Back home doing some lab work and ...

Yes, finally!
I got the notification that her time is almost up so this was just in time!

Ofelia came over to visit.

This is Mariana

and this is Wayne.
They are Olavo's children.

Oh my goodness I almost forgot to have Makenna write the family book.
She sits to concentrate on getting it done.
She called it Rowbottom Family Beginning.

It's a short story.
I actually like the cover for it.

Thanks for reading!

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