Saturday, March 18, 2017

W&S Gerard P8

Betty came out tonight and she started feeling sad when she saw that Delaine was pregnant. Delaine wanted to try and help her feel better so she offered for her to feel the baby bump. 

I am sorry you don't get to be here for this Betty!

Bryson came over to visit with Gerard while Delaine was at work. 

"Man, I don't know how you juggle two women because I can't even handle one."

When Delaine got home Gerard ran out to kiss her and ask how her day went. He really is trying to be there for her more now that she is expecting.

She was in a foul mood though. 

"Why are you still in your pajamas? It's 3 in the afternoon!"

It's baby time!

Well I was right about her having more than one baby!
She had freaking triplets!!
Stefan had them and now Gerard too.

When daddy got home from work he immediately went to feed the babies. 

These are the babies in order of birth. 
I think that Kai and Blake look identical. 

Kenzie was feeling sad because she had unwanted siblings, lol, so she asked daddy for comfort. 

This place is going to be a madhouse with three toddlers. I can handle two of them no problem but three makes it so much harder. My game seems to really like giving me triplets! I can't get an alien abduction but I can get triplets no problem!

Kai and Blake having a chat.

Kenzie and Kai are happily playing in the boys room.  

Blake on the other hand is in Kenzie's room crying because he feels lonely. Well get in your room little guy and play with your sister and brother silly. 

Eugenia came out tonight and got to meet Kai as he was the only tot still awake. 

The next morning Stefan came over and got to meet his niece. 

Gerard is a really hands on daddy. 
Reading to Kenzie. 

Flashcards with Blake.

They are struggling though to keep up with them. 
Kenzie passed out in the highchair. Blake needs a diaper change and Kai is on his way to ask for potty help. It's about 1am in this photo and everyone is exhausted. 

When Delaine went back to work Gerard called for a nanny. He needed to head over to Macie's house and check on her and Leo. When he got there he realized that she had their other baby. 

A little girl that she named Kaydence. 

*she was so dark as a baby and aged up lighter, it's a game glitch.*

Gerard is sitting down to read all the kiddos a story. 

Stefan stopped by to talk with Gerard about how things have been going. He knows how hard it is to raise triplets. He had some good advice for his bro. 

This is where I'll leave you. 
I hope you enjoyed!

1 comment:

  1. The triplets are really cute and the boys do look identical.
    Kenzie is gorgeous and I love her name!!
    He has 5 kids ... lmao
    I am waiting for the eruption - because he can't keep his two lives apart forever!
